Here is a list of Top AP Calculus AB Tutors on CrunchGrade. Get all information related to tutor’s qualification, subject specializations, college, teaching experience, student’s reviews & more to help you choose the best tutor that fits your needs. Try your first lesson FREE for up to 30 Minutes!
Q: What does Calculus AB stand for?
A: AP Calculus is divided into two classes: Calculus AB which is equivalent to the first semester of college calculus; and Calculus BC which is equivalent to the first year of college calculus.
Q: Is Calc AB easy?
A: It can be pretty tough if you lack a clear understanding and practice of the mathematical concepts you need to know. However, with the help of a tutor who can explain things clearly and give you ample opportunity to practice, it can be easy!
Q: Is Precalc harder than Calculus AB?
A: Many students find precalculus more difficult because it is the first time they encounter calculus-like thinking. By the time they move to the AP Calculus AB course, they get used to this style of thinking and thus find the class easier.
Q: What are the prerequisites for the Calculus AB course in Australia?
A: There are no specific prerequisites for the course, but we recommend that students have a strong foundation in basic algebra and geometry. A good understanding of trigonometry is also helpful.
Q: Is Calculus AB or Calculus BC better for me?
A: The decision with depending on your future plans. If you plan on majoring in science or engineering in college, then we recommend taking both AB and BC courses. However, if you're not sure about your plans or if you're not interested in pursuing a career in STEM, then AB might be a better choice for you.
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