ATAR Calculator - Calculate your ATAR Scores for WACE, SACE, HSC

What is ATAR ?

It is natural for all students of year 11 and 12 to be aware of the term ATAR, however if you are a student of year 10, and are on the verge of selecting your subjects for the year 11 and 12, then the ATAR Calculator is something you need to know about. Australia on the whole has different certification levels such as the HSC, WACE and VCE as well. When one looks at the ATAR score it is basically a numeric comparison and measure of the overall performance of the student based on all the certification levels. The committee that calculates the ATAR score is known as the University Admissions Center (UAC).

Typically your ATAR score may look like a normal score out of 100, however, the ATAR calculator is a method that can help a student score anywhere from 0.00 to 99.95. Almost all the cities of Australia have switched to the ATAR mode, and the only city to be scoring on the basis of the UAC is Queensland (until year 2020). This is what ATAR is, and precisely why almost every student needs to be well informed about it.

FAQs Regarding ATAR

The process of calculating your ATAR score is the same, but over the past few years there are a number of different ATAR calculators that have cropped up. Which is why most of the students have another crucial question : which ATAR calculator is the best and most accurate. To answer this question we dug deeper and consolidated a list of the best ATAR calculator HSC tools that you can use to calculate your ATAR score. They are:

HSC ATAR calculators

VCE ATAR calculators

WACE ATAR calculators

SACE ATAR calculators

ACT ATAR calculators

Other General calculators

There is a reason why Australia is considered to be a country that has an exceptionally great education system. Everything in Australia is completely streamlined and systematic, which is why most international students also dream of moving to Australia for their advanced studies. One of the tools that helps the Australian education system be fair and systematic is the ATAR Calculator. For all those of you who have no idea what the ATAR Calculator is, let us explain right here that it is a phenomenon that all those students who study in Australia need to be concerned about.

The ATAR Calculator, is also known as the Australian Tertiary Admission Rank, which simply means that all those students who finish with their high school need to focus on their ATAR score so that they can get into a good college or university that they always dreamed of. The higher your ATAR score, the better will your chances be to seek a spot in the university of your choice and the course of your choice as well. Since the ATAR Calculator is extremely important for the students of high school it is also known as the HSC ATAR Calculator as well.

If you are a student who is already based in Australia and is looking to take the next big leap from high school to tertiary education at a reputed university, then it is arguably important that you know everything that there is to know about the ATAR calculator, so that you are aware of where you stand and what sort of chance you have when looking to acquire admission in the college of your dreams.

To give you a better understanding let us take a look at some of the most common questions asked regarding the ATAR calculator. The answers of all these questions will also help you understand everything that you should know about the ATAR.

If you want to get a step ahead and prepare better one can also find several Naplan test paper samples on the website Solving a few of these sample Naplan test papers will give the student a thorough idea of how to deal with the paper and will also give them a generic idea of the kind of questions asked.

It is understandable that despite all this information given above, there may be a few questions that one may have in mind regarding the Naplan test. Compiled below are some of the most frequently asked questions regarding the Naplan which will help you gain a little more perspective regarding the Naplan information and Naplan guidelines as well.

If you are a student who has completed your HSC exams, then it will soon be time for you to pick a university and course of your choice. But, before you do that it is extremely important to calculate your performance on the basis of the ATAR calculator HSC. It is not an unknown fact that scoring high on the ATAR calculator is extremely important because the better you score the more are your chances of getting into the university of your choice and picking up the course that you want the most.

This is precisely why it is important to have a great ATAR score.

One of the most common questions asked by both students and parents is the question of the accuracy and reliability of the ATAR calculator. To answer this question with accuracy, it is important that we tell you that the accuracy of the ATAR Calculator depends on the type of score that you input on the calculator. Confused?

When you are calculating your ATAR score on the ATAR calculator and you input your estimated aligned marks that you get, the score will have an accuracy of (+/- 2-5 ATAR score). Similarly when you input your actual HSC marks while calculating your base ATAR score, the result and score you get will be very accurate (+/- 0.5 ATAR score). The important thing to understand here is that under no circumstances should you input your RAW school marks when calculating your ATAR score, because by doing this you will get absolutely no result at all.

To make sure that the ATAR calculator HSC gives you a result that is both accurate and reliable it is impeedengly necessary that you enter only your HSC marks at all times.

The process of calculating your ATAR score is the same, but over the past few years there are a number of different ATAR calculators that have cropped up. Which is why most of the students have another crucial question : which ATAR calculator is the best and most accurate. To answer this question we dug deeper and consolidated a list of the best ATAR calculator HSC tools that you can use to calculate your ATAR score. They are:

HSC ATAR calculators

  • ATAR notes HSC calculator
  • HSC Ninja ATAR calculator

VCE ATAR calculators

  • Deakin University VCE calculator
  • Monash University VCE calculator

WACE ATAR calculators

  • ATAR notes WACE calculator
  • TISC WACE calculator

SACE ATAR calculators

  • SATAC SACE/ NTCET calculator guide

ACT ATAR calculators

  • Gungahlin College ACT calculator
  • Carrabunda college ACT calculator guide

Other General calculators

  • Talent’s 100 ATAR calculator
  • Matrix Education’s calculator
  • ATAR notes calculator

After understanding the whys and hows of the ATAR calculator, the next important question is understanding how it works. On an average all your ATAR scores will be calculated based on the aggregate scores that you get in 10 units which comprise of:

  • 2 best unit scores for English
  • Remaining 8 best unit scores from the remaining units and category B courses.

In order to get a proper ATAR score on the ATAR calculator HSC it is essential to have all the aggregate scores of the 10 units. If the number of units are not as expected, it will be a little difficult to calculate your ATAR score and at the same time it might not be very accurate too.

When calculating the ATAR scores, there can be two possibilities. One is that the calculator gives you your gross ATAR score or second is when it breaks it down for you. The first step to calculate the ATAR score is to select the courses that you have and enter the HSC marks as well. This needs to be done when you want your ATAR scores.

In the case of the ATAR calculator, you get another option of breaking down your ATAR score as well. To do so you first need to enter your ATAR goal, select the courses that you want to choose and in this way learn about the marks that you will need in order to be able to take up these courses.

The crux point of capitalizing on getting high ATAR scores is to make sure that you first put your heart and soul into deciding which subjects to take. It is essential that when you are selecting your subjects, you choose only those that interest you the most. In between there was a misconception that taking subjects that are easy to score in will help students in getting higher ATAR scores, but sadly this is very incorrect. Since your overall performance and score is something you have no control over, the next thing that you can do is to choose the subjects that interest you the most. By selecting subjects that interest you, you will be able to get a head start and will automatically be able to score a better aggregate of ATAR score as well.

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