Here is a list of Top Geometry Tutors on CrunchGrade. Get all information related to tutor’s qualification, subject specializations, college, teaching experience, student’s reviews & more to help you choose the best tutor that fits your needs. Try your first lesson FREE for up to 30 Minutes!
Q: What are the qualifications of your online Geometry tutors?
A: All our online geometry tutors are highly qualified and experienced professionals. They hold degrees from top universities across Australia and abroad and have many years of teaching experience.
Q: Can I book a free geometry class as a demo?
A: Yes, you can book a free geometry class to try out our services. We recommend you check out whether your child is comfortable with the teacher and his or her teaching methods, and whether the class meets your expectations, before enrolling in our regular classes.
Q: How much do online geometry classes cost?
A: The cost of our online geometry classes depends on the plan you choose and the number of hours you book. You can get a customised quote by scheduling a free trial session with one of our geometry tutors.
Q: What is the minimum number of classes I can book?
A: For school students, we recommend you book at least 2 classes per week. For HSC students, we recommend booking at least 4 classes per week. However, we can offer you customized geometry tutoring services depending on which concepts you want to learn, your budget, and your schedule.
Q: Can I cancel or reschedule my online geometry class?
A: Yes, you can cancel or reschedule your online geometry class up to 24 hours before the scheduled time. However, we do not offer refunds for classes that are cancelled with less than 24 hours' notice.
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