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Q: How difficult is numerical analysis?
A: Numerical analysis can be difficult, depending on your background and the level of the course you are taking. For example, mechanical systems (such as building simulators for cars and planes) require one to solve differential-algebraic systems in real-time. This can be very difficult.
Q: Do you need calculus for numerical analysis?
A: Yes, calculus and differential integration are vital for numerical analysis. We can help you with building the foundation you need for success in this course.
Q: What is the difference between numerical analysis and numerical methods?
A: Numerical methods are actual procedures you need to solve a problem, such as finite difference or finite element methods. Numerical analysis requires you to understand the principles behind these methods, when to use them, and understand how accurate they are.
Q: Do I need to learn numerical analysis as a computer science student?
A: Numerical analysis is often used by programmers and software developers to implement numerical algorithms and solve real problems. Hence, it is beneficial for computer science students to understand the basics of this subject.
Q: Is numerical analysis a pure or applied subject?
Numerical analysis is an important data science tool often used by mathematicians, engineers, and physical and biological scientists to understand and solve problems. It is an applied subject with a lot of theory behind it.
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