Online Tutoring for Year 3 Maths

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Year 3 Maths

Move forward from your learning challenges in Year 3 with online tutoring at CrunchGrade. Our efficient Year 3 Maths online tutors use innovative teaching strategies to help young learners find their love for Maths. From assigning weekly learning goals to connecting the concepts of numeracy, statistics and geometry to real-life, our teachers provide personalised learning programs for every student. You can study in a compact group or take one-on-one classes from our tutors through your smartphone, laptop, desktop computer or tablet. Check out our tutor profiles today and find the best Grade 3 Maths tutors online from Sydney, Brisbane, Adelaide, Perth, Melbourne and many other places in Australia. 

New Things Grade 3 Maths Australian Students Will Learn

Year 3 Maths curriculum in primary schools includes problems related to addition and subtraction of four-digit numbers. They will also learn how to find squares and multiples of numbers, based on the concepts of fractions and decimals that they have learned in Year 2. They will learn how to identify whether a number is even or odd. Year 3 Maths syllabus also introduces picture graphs, column graphs and tabular representations of data. 

Term-Wise Year 3 Maths Curriculum Learning at CrunchGrade 

The whole Year 3 Maths syllabus is divided into 4 terms, in general. Our online Maths tutoring learning programs are designed to help students in completing their curriculum for every term. We provide students with term-wise Year 3 Maths worksheets, notes, mind maps, flashcards and many other innovative learning materials. Below is an overview of the Year 3 Maths curriculum and the tentative list of topics that we cover. This list might change if there is a change in the Year 3 Maths syllabus. 

Year 3 Maths Syllabus Overview 

Year 3 Maths Topics 

Year 3 Maths Subtopics 

Number and Algebra 

  • Numbers and place value 
  • Fractions and decimals 
  • Money and financial mathematics 
  • Patterns and algebra 

Measurement and Geometry 

  • Units and measurement 
  • Shapes
  • Location and transformation 
  • Geometric Reasoning 

Statistics and Probability 

  • Chances 
  • Data representation 
  • Data interpretation 


Year 3 Maths Term-Wise Syllabus 

Year 3 Maths Term 1 Topics 

  • Number patterns using addition and subtraction 
  • Even and odd numbers 
  • Place value up to 5000
  • Money and count change 
  • Measure, order and compare length, mass and capacity
  • Tell time up to minutes 

Year 3 Maths Term 2 Topics 

  • Multiplication facts of 2, 3, 5, 10
  • Unit fractions, ½, ¼, ⅓, ⅕ 
  • 3 dimensional objects 
  • Chance experiments 
  • Identification of data sources 
  • Displaying data

Year 3 Maths Term 3 Topics 

  • Place value up to 10000
  • Multiplication and division facts
  • Grip maps 
  • Length, mass and capacity
  • Collect, display and interpret data 

Year 3 Term 4 Topics

  • Regrouping and partitioning up to 10000
  • Simple money transactions up to the nearest 5 cents 
  • Shapes, symmetry and angles 
  • Features of 3-D objects 
  • Recognising variation in chance experiments 
  • Interpreting and comparing data 

The above list of topics is based on the Year 3 Maths curriculum given by Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (ACARA), Australian Curriculum v3.0: Mathematics for Foundation–10.

Overcome Your Learning Challenges With Year 3 Maths Tutors 

Timetables are a big focus in the Year 3 Maths curriculum. It is expected that students must learn tables up to 12 before Year 4. Students often feel challenged while memorising tables. They need practice and patience which only a well-experienced Year 3 Maths teacher can provide. Many students also find it difficult to solve addition and subtraction problems for four-digit numbers. 

What Our Grade 3 Maths Tutors Help You Achieve?

At CrunchGrade, Year 3 Maths online tutors ensure that students can: 

  • Recognise the connection between addition and subtraction 
  • Recognise even and odd numbers
  • Model and represent unit fractions 
  • Count up to 10000 
  • Identify symmetry in shapes around them 
  • Recognise angles in real-life situations 
  • Interpret and compare data 
  • Tell time to the nearest minute 
  • Identify the features of three-dimensional figures

Important Topics in Year 3 Maths 

Addition and subtraction of 4-digit numbers is one of the most important concepts in Grade 3 Maths syllabus. Students must understand how to use fractions in everyday life, locate a unit fraction on a number line, and must know how to use different measurement units correctly such as millilitres, litres, etc. Students must also be able to create legends from maps, classify even and odd numbers, and identify symmetry in the environment. All these topics are quite important to form a solid foundation for advanced Mathematical concepts. At CrunchGrade, our online Maths tutors provide complete assistance to students including Year 3 Maths worksheets related to important questions so that they can master these concepts easily. 

Challenges in Tutoring Maths to Year 3 Students

One of the major challenges that tutors face in teaching Grade 3 students is to ensure that students understand the concept rather than just memorising it. Many teachers at Crunch Grade feel that Year 3 Maths is still pretty much introductory which is why they need to pay special attention to the learning speed of a student. We cannot pressurise them to study everything at once. We need to provide them with a structured learning experience which only a qualified Year 3 Maths tutor can ensure. 

CrunchGrade Grade 3 Maths Online Tutoring Advantage

At CrunchGrade, we have designed Maths online tutoring programs for Year 3 Australian students based on their learning goals and achievement standards expected from them. Our tutors will guide the children through all their learning challenges and ensure that they are able to grasp every single concept with ease. Here’s how our online tutoring at CrunchGrade will be helpful for Grade 3 Maths students: 

  • CrunchGrade Year 3 Maths online tutors work with each student to help them understand their mistakes. 
  • They talk to students about how they are solving the problem instead of just teaching them the steps and asking them to follow the same pattern. 
  • They share their own learning challenges so that Year 3 students can know that finding a topic difficult does not mean you cannot learn it. 
  • Our tutors break down the steps of solving a problem so that students can grasp the concepts. 
  • We often use a rewarding system to encourage students to overcome their learning obstacles. 
  • Our tutors take special care of what language they use in front of their students. They always ensure that they are using encouraging words.

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