It is a well understood fact that the entire country of Australia is pretty huge and each separate city and town is governed by a different education board. One of the most well known education boards is found in the city of Victoria in Australia. Most cities in Australia follow a separate guideline of operations when it comes to the higher secondary classes of year 11 and year 12. All those students who successfully complete with their year 11 and 12 are given the VCE certification.
Since the VCE exams are something that most students in Victoria are concerned about, it is also common to find students flocking for VCE tuition online that can connect them to the best VCE tutors who can give them the required VCE coaching that they need in order to clear the VCE level exams. One important aspect that most students and parents need to understand about the VCE exam is that there is an alternative to them as well. If a student wants to gather more hands-on practical experience for any given subject they can choose to sit for the VCAL which is the Victorian Center for Applied Learning program as well.
In most cases students can complete their VCE studies within two years, but in certain scenarios it can get extended to more than 2 years as well. The pilot program for the VCE was established in the year 1987 and the earlier system of the HSC exams was abolished in the year 1992.
All those parents and students who are gearing up and preparing for the VCE exams need to make sure that they get all the necessary help that they need in the form of VCE tutors and the desired VCE coaching. Also it becomes crucially necessary to be completely aware of all the guidelines and norms that are accompanied by the VCE exams for which students need VCE tutors. In the case if you are a student or a parent to a child who is on the cusp of preparing for the VCE exam, mentioned below are all the important questions that are most commonly asked with respect to the VCE exam. In order to get a better understanding of the VCE exam, it is important that you have all the necessary information that you need to know in order to prepare for the VCE exams as you take the additional assistance from the VCE tuitions online.
As per the basic guidelines provided by the state of Victoria, it is possible for a student to clear the year 11 and 12 without giving the end of year VCE exams. However, though this exception is there, it is advised by the state that for the better judgement of a students performance it is best if all students give the end of year VCE exams.
TIn the current scenario when the entire globe is fighting the pandemic of Coronavirus, the VCE exams have also been postponed. As per the latest announcement made by the VCE board, the students have more time to go through their VCE coaching through the various VCE tuition online sessions. The latest updates for the VCE exam for the year 2020 are as follows:
There is always a possibility that a student is unable to clear the VCE exam in the very first attempt. In the case when something like this happens there is a provision under which a student can either retake the exam for just the subject that they were unable to clear, or else take a complete new set of subjects and reappear in all the exams once they have got the desired VCE coaching by their designated VCE tutor.