Vertical Angles

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In geometry, vertical angles are formed by two intersecting lines at two non-adjacent angles. Vertical angles have the same measure when they are congruent.

Consider two lines that intersect at a point in order to better comprehend vertical angles. Four angles are created around the point of intersection when the lines cross. Two of these angles share a vertex (the place where they intersect) and a side, making them adjacent (the intersecting lines). The remaining two angles are non-adjacent, which means they share a vertex but not a side.

Non-adjacent vertical angles are formed when two lines cross each other. They are referred to as "vertical," because they are "vertically" opposite to one another, with the point of intersection serving as the common vertex.

Here's an example:


pair A,B,C,D;

A = (0,0);

B = (2,0);

C = (0,2);

D = (2,2);












Angles x and y, as well as angles z and w, are vertical angles in the diagram above. Vertical angles being congruent allows us to write x = y and z = w. 

Vertical angles are a significant concept in geometry and hold many applications in real-world situations. They are usually used to establish theorems and solve problems by applying intersecting lines and angles.

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