Live coding classes to unleash your child's potential
One on One live coding classes for age 6 -14.
Improving kids concentration, logical &
problem solving skills
Game Development
Machine Learning
Face Recognition
App Development
Web Development
Virtual Reality
Our curriculum will Improve kid's -
All these will bring out the creator in your child
Increased Logic & Concentration
Create Great Decision Makers
Increased Problem Solving Skills
Make Them a Better Planner
Coding Makes Self Motivated Kids
The Bright sparks
The Superstars
The Masterminds
The Genius Gems
The Bright sparks
The Superstars
The Masterminds
The Genius Gems
Bright sparks
Beginner: The Walk Phase
For classes 1 to 2
About the course
The walk phase is for beginners. In this, we make your child familiar with the basics of the course. The walk phase is specifically designed as a generic and the foundational level phase to introduce your child to many of the common concepts and the thought behind coding. In the first 8 hours of the course, we mainly focus on improving the basic fundamentals and developing the logical thinking skills of your child.
Curriculum and Activities
Logic building, Coding and Concepts, Puzzle Solving, Animation, Game Designing, App Designing & Front End design
Lecture for Beginner: The Walk Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding at Glance | What is coding ? What are the steps to teach coding ? Explain with the help of logical fun activity? |
Lecture 2 | Sequence | What is the importance of a proper sequence of steps that needs to be followed to perform the activity? |
Lecture 3 | Loops | Explain the concept of Repetition and Looping with the help of activity from |
Lecture 4 | Nested Loops | What are the different types of loops and repetitions and how to use them in Scratch? |
Lecture 5 | Algorithm | Explain the problem solving approach with the help of an activity. |
Lecture 6 | Bug and Debug | What are bugs? Also explain the concept of Debugging to kids. |
Lecture 7 | Introduction to Play Lab | What is PlayLab? |
Lecture 8 | Play Lab Using Text Based Blocks | Explain PlayLab to kids using the text-based blocks |
Bright sparks
Intermediate: The Jog Phase
For classes 1 to 2
About the course
The jog phase is the intermediate phase of the course that lets your child learn and test the coding skills with exercises. After providing significant knowledge about the basics, we introduce your child to the practical knowledge using all the fundamentals we’ve covered in the Walk phase. In the jog phase, we dedicate 25 hours of the course to make your child learn how to code using the programming language.
Curriculum and Activities
Including Walk phase ,Story Workshop, Musical Lab, Glide in Depth,Game (Loops & Mouse Pointer),Maze Game,Car Game, Dance Battle Game Chatbot,Calculator,Quiz, Revision, App Creation
Lecture for Intermediate: The Jog Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding at Glance | What is coding ? What are the steps to teach coding ? Explain with the help of logical fun activity? |
Lecture 2 | Sequence | What is the importance of a proper sequence of steps that needs to be followed to perform the activity? |
Lecture 3 | Loops | Explain the concept of Repetition and Looping with the help of activity from |
Lecture 4 | Nested Loops | What are the different types of loops and repetitions and how to use them in Scratch? |
Lecture 5 | Algorithm | Explain the problem solving approach with the help of an activity. |
Lecture 6 | Bug and Debug | What are bugs? Also explain the concept of Debugging to kids. |
Lecture 7 | Introduction to Play Lab | What is PlayLab? |
Lecture 8 | Play Lab Using Text Based Blocks | Explain PlayLab to kids using the text-based blocks |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Make, set, change, show and hide the variable | What is Variable block in Scratch? |
Lecture 2 | More on Variables | Explain more about the variables to kids. |
Lecture 3 | Animation | Introduce animations to kids. |
Lecture 4 | Sprite Lab | What is the X and Y axis in Scratch? Explain about the Turning Motion in Scratch. How to change the costume of a sprite? |
Lecture 5 | Flappy Bird Game | How to develop a flappy bird game? |
Lecture 6 | Greeting Card | How to make a simple greeting card for family and friends? |
Lecture 7 | Story Workshop | Revise the previous topics and interact with parents |
Lecture 8 | Revision | Explain the application of sequencing and time control with the help of storytelling. Use animal conversation stories to elaborate how to apply sequencing and time control. |
Lecture 9 | Musical Lab | How to add sound blocks and movements using the musical instruments? |
Lecture 10 | Glide in Depth | What is a Glide Block? Explain X and Y axis in detail using the butterfly analysis. |
Lecture 11 | Game (Loops) | Explain about Repeat Forever and |
Bright sparks
Advanced: The Run Phase
For classes 1 to 2
About the course
The run phase is the advanced phase of the course. In this phase, your child will build projects using all the concepts that we’ve covered in the Walk and the Jog Phase. In the 40 hours of run phase, we provide your child with several opportunities to use his/her creativity to showcase his/her coding skills. Besides, we focus on revising all the topics that we’ve taught to your child in the overall course
Curriculum and Activities
Including walk and jog phase,Facebook Login Page, Music Player, Calculator Frontend, Map Making, Whatsapp Frontend,Visible And Invisible Components,Superhero Frontend,Ludo Frontend,Mobile Dialpad,Google Search Engine Frontend,Photo Gallery Frontend
Lecture for Advanced: The Run Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding at Glance | What is coding ? What are the steps to teach coding ? Explain with the help of logical fun activity? |
Lecture 2 | Sequence | What is the importance of a proper sequence of steps that needs to be followed to perform the activity? |
Lecture 3 | Loops | Explain the concept of Repetition and Looping with the help of activity from |
Lecture 4 | Nested Loops | What are the different types of loops and repetitions and how to use them in Scratch? |
Lecture 5 | Algorithm | Explain the problem solving approach with the help of an activity. |
Lecture 6 | Bug and Debug | What are bugs? Also explain the concept of Debugging to kids. |
Lecture 7 | Introduction to Play Lab | What is PlayLab? |
Lecture 8 | Play Lab Using Text Based Blocks | Explain PlayLab to kids using the text-based blocks |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Make, set, change, show and hide the variable | What is Variable block in Scratch? |
Lecture 2 | More on Variables | Explain more about the variables to kids. |
Lecture 3 | Animation | Introduce animations to kids. |
Lecture 4 | Sprite Lab | What is the X and Y axis in Scratch? Explain about the Turning Motion in Scratch. How to change the costume of a sprite? |
Lecture 5 | Flappy Bird Game | How to develop a flappy bird game? |
Lecture 6 | Greeting Card | How to make a simple greeting card for family and friends? |
Lecture 7 | Story Workshop | Revise the previous topics and interact with parents |
Lecture 8 | Revision | Explain the application of sequencing and time control with the help of storytelling. Use animal conversation stories to elaborate how to apply sequencing and time control. |
Lecture 9 | Musical Lab | How to add sound blocks and movements using the musical instruments? |
Lecture 10 | Glide in Depth | What is a Glide Block? Explain X and Y axis in detail using the butterfly analysis. |
Lecture 11 | Game (Loops) | Explain about Repeat Forever and |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | App Creation | What is an app ? How is it useful ? When did apps start? Explain how to change background colour on apps by showing different apps. |
Lecture 2 | Screen and Button | What is a screen and a button? How one can customize them? |
Lecture 3 | Pictures | How to add picture/image? |
Lecture 4 | Labels | What is Label? How to customize a label? |
Lecture 5 | Text Input | What is Text Input and how can it be customized? |
Lecture 6 | Revision | Revise the previous topics and interact with parents |
Lecture 7 | Creating Star war game | How to develop a star war game? |
Lecture 8 | Functions | What are Functions? Why are they used? |
Lecture 9 | More on Functions | What are the different types of functions? How to use functions? Explain with the help of an example or activity |
Lecture 10 | Google Navigations | What is Google Earth and Google Maps? Explain about Google Navigation. |
Lecture 11 | App+Animal Sound | What is an App and how to add animal sound to it? |
Lecture 12 | About Slider | What are visible and invisible components? How these two are different? Explain Sliders in detail. |
Lecture 13 | App (Functions) | Show multiple apps on Playstore. Develop a ludo app on frontend. |
Lecture 14 | Conditionals at Glance | What are Conditionals? Why are conditionals important in coding? |
Lecture 15 | Conditionals in Depth | Explain more about conditionals. Use examples and activity to teach conditionals in depth. |
Lecture 16 | Project time | 1. Make a map and add image, name and details to it in Scratch. 2. Make a Calculator in the frontend. 3. Create a Google Search in frontend. 4. Create a dialpad similar to the one in the mobile phones. 5. Make a graphic of your favourite superhero in the frontend. 6 Create a photo gallery in the frontend. |
Lecture 17 | Parent Interaction and Student Showcase | Revise the previous topics. |
Lecture 18 | Revision | Introduce the list view to students and explain how to develop Whatsapp in frontend. |
Beginner: The Walk Phase
For classes 3 to 5
About the course
The walk phase is for beginners. In this, we make your child familiar with the basics of the course. The walk phase is specifically designed as a generic and the foundational level phase to introduce your child to many of the common concepts and the thought behind coding. In the first 8 hours of the course, we mainly focus on improving the basic fundamentals and developing the logical thinking skills of your child.
Curriculum and Activities
Coding at Glance,Sequence,Loops , Algorithm, Coding in Depth, Variables , Sprite Lab ,Animation
Lecture for Beginner: The Walk Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding | What is Coding? Explain the steps to code using a logical fun activity. |
Lecture 2 | Sequence | What are the Commands and Sequences? Explain the requirement of proper sequence of steps with the help of activity. |
Lecture 3 | Algorithm | How to write the algorithms? How to convert algorithms to coding using Blockly? |
Lecture 4 | Bug & Debug | What are Bugs? What is the meaning of Debugging? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 5 | Loops | What is a Loop and its various types? Explain the use of Repeat Block. |
Lecture 6 | Introduction to Play Lab | Introduce Play Lab theme of using an activity. |
Lecture 7 | Play Lab using Text based blocks | How to create a story using text-based blocks in PlayLab? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 8 | Handling Events in Play Lab | How to use events in Play Lab? How to apply all the coding skills to create an animated game? |
Intermediate: The Jog Phase
For classes 3 to 5
About the course
The jog phase is the intermediate phase of the course that lets your child learn and test the coding skills with exercises. After providing significant knowledge about the basics, we introduce your child to the practical knowledge using all the fundamentals we’ve covered in the Walk phase. In the jog phase, we dedicate 25 hours of the course to make your child learn how to code using the programming language.
Curriculum and Activities
Including Walk Phase Story Workshop, Musical Lab, Glide in Depth Game (Loops & Mouse Pointer), Maze Game, Car Game Dance Battle Game, Chatbot, Calculator, Quiz Text to Speech App, Video Sensing Game, App Development
Lecture for Intermediate: The Jog Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding | What is Coding? Explain the steps to code using a logical fun activity. |
Lecture 2 | Sequence | What are the Commands and Sequences? Explain the requirement of proper sequence of steps with the help of activity. |
Lecture 3 | Algorithm | How to write the algorithms? How to convert algorithms to coding using Blockly? |
Lecture 4 | Bug & Debug | What are Bugs? What is the meaning of Debugging? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 5 | Loops | What is a Loop and its various types? Explain the use of Repeat Block. |
Lecture 6 | Introduction to Play Lab | Introduce Play Lab theme of using an activity. |
Lecture 7 | Play Lab using Text based blocks | How to create a story using text-based blocks in PlayLab? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 8 | Handling Events in Play Lab | How to use events in Play Lab? How to apply all the coding skills to create an animated game? |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Story Workshop | How to create a story in Scratch? |
Lecture 2 | Animation in Depth | How to make interactive animated cartoons with changing backdrops? |
Lecture 3 | Nested loops | What is Nested Loop in coding and why is it used? Explain with the help of examples. |
Lecture 4 | Glide in Depth | Introduce Glide block, the turning motion and 2D coordinates (x-axis and y-axis) using the Butterfly Analysis in Sprite Lab |
Lecture 5 | Sprite Lab | Introduce Sprite Lab and its use? Add sound blocks and movements using musical instruments. |
Lecture 6 | Flappy Bird Game | How to build a Flappy Bird Game in Sprite Lab? |
Lecture 7 | Revision | Revise all the topics covered. |
Lecture 8 | Game (Loops) | Create a game using Repeat Loops like Repeat Forever and Repeat Until. |
Lecture 9 | Game (Mouse+Graphics) | How to create a clicker game using Touching, mouse down, and mouse pointer? |
Lecture 10 | Maze Game | How to make graphics for the maze game of a mouse and a cat ? |
Lecture 11 | Dance Party | How to build a Dance Party Game in Sprite Lab? How to add multiple costume changes and time delays to it? |
Lecture 12 | Car Game | Create a maze game using a cat and a mouse. |
Lecture 13 | Until & While Loop | Explain the use of Repeat Until and While Loops with the help of an example. |
Lecture 14 | Calculator(Advanced) | How to code to make a scientific or advanced calculator? Add different arithmetic operators to the calculator. |
Lecture 15 | Quiz | Run a quiz on all the topics covered. |
Lecture 16 | Variables | What is a Variable? What are the different types of variables and why they are used? |
Lecture 17 | Text to Speech Google Assistant | Create a chatbot similar to Google Assistant adding the text to speech feature. |
Advanced: The Run Phase
For classes 3 to 5
About the course
The run phase is the advanced phase of the course. In this phase, your child will build projects using all the concepts that we’ve covered in the Walk and the Jog Phase. In the 40 hours of run phase, we provide your child with several opportunities to use his/her creativity to showcase his/her coding skills. Besides, we focus on revising all the topics that we’ve taught to your child in the overall course.
Curriculum and Activities
Including walk and jog phase,Instagram Login Page,Music Palyer, Calculator Frontend, Map Making, Whatsapp Frontend, Visible and Invisible Components,Superhero Frontend, Ludo/Chess Frontend Mobile Dialpad , Google Search Engine Frontend, Photo Gallery Frontend, Revision,Parent Interaction And Student Showcase
Lecture for Advanced: The Run Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding | What is Coding? Explain the steps to code using a logical fun activity. |
Lecture 2 | Sequence | What are the Commands and Sequences? Explain the requirement of proper sequence of steps with the help of activity. |
Lecture 3 | Algorithm | How to write the algorithms? How to convert algorithms to coding using Blockly? |
Lecture 4 | Bug & Debug | What are Bugs? What is the meaning of Debugging? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 5 | Loops | What is a Loop and its various types? Explain the use of Repeat Block. |
Lecture 6 | Introduction to Play Lab | Introduce Play Lab theme of using an activity. |
Lecture 7 | Play Lab using Text based blocks | How to create a story using text-based blocks in PlayLab? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 8 | Handling Events in Play Lab | How to use events in Play Lab? How to apply all the coding skills to create an animated game? |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Story Workshop | How to create a story in Scratch? |
Lecture 2 | Animation in Depth | How to make interactive animated cartoons with changing backdrops? |
Lecture 3 | Nested loops | What is Nested Loop in coding and why is it used? Explain with the help of examples. |
Lecture 4 | Glide in Depth | Introduce Glide block, the turning motion and 2D coordinates (x-axis and y-axis) using the Butterfly Analysis in Sprite Lab |
Lecture 5 | Sprite Lab | Introduce Sprite Lab and its use? Add sound blocks and movements using musical instruments. |
Lecture 6 | Flappy Bird Game | How to build a Flappy Bird Game in Sprite Lab? |
Lecture 7 | Revision | Revise all the topics covered. |
Lecture 8 | Game (Loops) | Create a game using Repeat Loops like Repeat Forever and Repeat Until. |
Lecture 9 | Game (Mouse+Graphics) | How to create a clicker game using Touching, mouse down, and mouse pointer? |
Lecture 10 | Maze Game | How to make graphics for the maze game of a mouse and a cat ? |
Lecture 11 | Dance Party | How to build a Dance Party Game in Sprite Lab? How to add multiple costume changes and time delays to it? |
Lecture 12 | Car Game | Create a maze game using a cat and a mouse. |
Lecture 13 | Until & While Loop | Explain the use of Repeat Until and While Loops with the help of an example. |
Lecture 14 | Calculator(Advanced) | How to code to make a scientific or advanced calculator? Add different arithmetic operators to the calculator. |
Lecture 15 | Quiz | Run a quiz on all the topics covered. |
Lecture 16 | Variables | What is a Variable? What are the different types of variables and why they are used? |
Lecture 17 | Text to Speech Google Assistant | Create a chatbot similar to Google Assistant adding the text to speech feature. |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Video Sensing Game | How to build a video sensing game in a Game Lab environment? Develop the Soccer Game with touch and play features. |
Lecture 2 | App Development | Explain the concept of App Development with the help of an example. |
Lecture 3 | Creating Star War Game | How to code for building a Star War Game in Scratch? |
Lecture 4 | Functions at Glance | What is a Function? Why is it used? |
Lecture 5 | Functions in Depth | Explain the different types of functions and how to use functions with the help of an example |
Lecture 6 | Dance Party (Functions) | What functions are used in the Dance Party Game? Explain with the help of an example or an activity. |
Lecture 7 | Revision | Revise all the topics covered. Organize a doubt solving session |
Lecture 8 | Minecraft Aquatic | How to code in the Aquatic game mode on Minecraft? |
Lecture 9 | Minecraft Adventures | How to code in the Adventure game mode on Minecraft? |
Lecture 10 | Minecraft Designer | How to code in the Designer game mode on Minecraft? |
Lecture 11 | Minecraft Hero's Journey | How to code to create a Minecraft Hero's Journey? |
Lecture 12 | App+Animal Sound | Explain App Development with example and add sound to it. Also add the feature of color change on clicking a button |
Lecture 13 | About Slider | Explain the concept of visible and invisible components. How to make Sliders in Scratch? |
Lecture 14 | Google at Glance | Explain how to create and customize Google's At a Glance Widget. |
Lecture 15 | Google Earth and Web | How to build Google Earth and Web apps? |
Lecture 16 | Conditionals at Glance | What are Conditionals? Explain different types of conditional statements used in coding. |
Lecture 17 | Conditionals in Depth | How to use conditional statements? Explain with the help of an example. |
Lecture 18 | Parent Interaction And Student Showcase | Revise all the topics covered. Organize a doubt solving session. |
Lecture 19 | Revision | Ask students to present the projects. Also organize a parent-teacher meeting to discuss the performance of the student. |
Beginner: The Walk Phase
For classes 6 to 8
About the course
The walk phase is for beginners. In this, we make your child familiar with the basics of the course. The walk phase is specifically designed as a generic and the foundational level phase to introduce your child to many of the common concepts and the thought behind coding. In the first 8 hours of the course, we mainly focus on improving the basic fundamentals and developing the logical thinking skills of your child.
Curriculum and Activities
Coding at Glance,Sequence,Loops Algorithm, Coding in Depth, Variables Sprite Lab, Greeting Card
Lecture for Beginner: The Walk Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | An Introduction to Coding | What is Coding? What are the steps to code ? Explain with the help of a logical fun activity on Variables, Loops and Conditional Statements using Scratch. |
Lecture 2 | What is Complex motion? | Explain how Complex Motion works in Scratch. |
Lecture 3 | Arithmetic Operators | Explain the Arithmetic Operator. Create a calculator using only the addition operation |
Lecture 4 | Building a Guess Game | Build a guess game in Scratch. |
Lecture 5 | Functions in Coding | What is a Function? .What are its types and how to use Functions in coding? |
Lecture 6 | Loops ( for, while) | What are for and while loops? How to use these loops in coding? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 7 | Loops (do while) | What do and while loops? How to use these loops in coding? Explain with an example |
Lecture 8 | Game Mechanics in Python | How to develop a game in Python? Explain with the help of developing a car racing game using Variables and Complex Sprite Motions. |
Intermediate: The Jog Phase
For classes 6 to 8
About the course
The jog phase is the intermediate phase of the course that lets your child learn and test the coding skills with exercises. After providing significant knowledge about the basics, we introduce your child to the practical knowledge using all the fundamentals we’ve covered in the Walk phase. In the jog phase, we dedicate 25 hours of the course to make your child learn how to code using the programming language.
Curriculum and Activities
Including Walk Phase, Story Workshop, Musical Lab, Glide in Depth Game (Loops & Mouse Pointer), Maze Game, Car Game, Dance Battle Game,Chatbot, Calculator, Quiz Revision,App Creation
Lecture for Intermediate: The Jog Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | An Introduction to Coding | What is Coding? What are the steps to code ? Explain with the help of a logical fun activity on Variables, Loops and Conditional Statements using Scratch. |
Lecture 2 | What is Complex motion? | Explain how Complex Motion works in Scratch. |
Lecture 3 | Arithmetic Operators | Explain the Arithmetic Operator. Create a calculator using only the addition operation |
Lecture 4 | Building a Guess Game | Build a guess game in Scratch. |
Lecture 5 | Functions in Coding | What is a Function? .What are its types and how to use Functions in coding? |
Lecture 6 | Loops ( for, while) | What are for and while loops? How to use these loops in coding? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 7 | Loops (do while) | What do and while loops? How to use these loops in coding? Explain with an example |
Lecture 8 | Game Mechanics in Python | How to develop a game in Python? Explain with the help of developing a car racing game using Variables and Complex Sprite Motions. |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Quiz using Python | Run a quiz on Python. |
Lecture 2 | Introduction to Recommenders | What are Recommenders in Python? Why are they useful? |
Lecture 3 | More About Recommenders | Create a simple recommender system using Python. |
Lecture 4 | Introduction to Chatbot | What is a Chatbot? Create a chatbot and add text to speech feature like Google Assistant/ Talking to Scratch Animation using ML platforms. |
Lecture 5 | Building a Chatbot | How to build and implement a chatbot in a website or an application? |
Lecture 6 | Dance Party (Functions) | What functions are used in the Dance Party Game? Explain with the help of an example or an activity. |
Lecture 7 | App Development at Glance | What is App Development? How to create a simple Music Player app like Spotify or YTMusic. |
Lecture 8 | Buttons | What are Buttons? How to code to create a button? |
Lecture 9 | Labels | What is a Label? Why is it used? How to code to create a label and how to customize it? |
Lecture 10 | Text fields | How to add Text Fields to a webpage? Explain with the help of coding. |
Lecture 11 | Frontend | Make a Calculator on the frontend and implement the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operation to it |
Lecture 12 | Backend | Develop a website on Backend using Python. |
Lecture 13 | Web Dev at glance | What is Web Development? Create a favourite movie webpage. |
Lecture 14 | Building a Wikipedia Page | How to create a simple Wikipedia Page on web? |
Lecture 15 | Building the Google Search Engine | Create a Google Search Engine homepage using hyperlink, button, and image tags. |
Lecture 16 | Building a Book My Show Page | Create a favourite movie webpage similar to BookmyShow |
Lecture 17 | To do list | Create a simple Instagram Login Page using image, button, label, and text input. |
Lecture 18 | Resume Page Creation | How to code to create a Resume Page on web? |
Advanced: The Run Phase
For classes 6 to 8
About the course
The run phase is the advanced phase of the course. In this phase, your child will build projects using all the concepts that we’ve covered in the Walk and the Jog Phase. In the 40 hours of run phase, we provide your child with several opportunities to use his/her creativity to showcase his/her coding skills. Besides, we focus on revising all the topics that we’ve taught to your child in the overall course.
Curriculum and Activities
Including Walk Phase And Jog Phase Facebook Login Page,Music Player,Calculator Frontend,Map Making, Whatsapp Frontend,Visible And Invisible Components, Superhero Frontend, Ludo Frontend,Mobile Dialpad, Google Search Engine Frontend, Photo Gallery Frontend, Class Assignment, Parent Interaction and Student Showcase,Revision
Lecture for Advanced: The Run Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | An Introduction to Coding | What is Coding? What are the steps to code ? Explain with the help of a logical fun activity on Variables, Loops and Conditional Statements using Scratch. |
Lecture 2 | What is Complex motion? | Explain how Complex Motion works in Scratch. |
Lecture 3 | Arithmetic Operators | Explain the Arithmetic Operator. Create a calculator using only the addition operation |
Lecture 4 | Building a Guess Game | Build a guess game in Scratch. |
Lecture 5 | Functions in Coding | What is a Function? .What are its types and how to use Functions in coding? |
Lecture 6 | Loops ( for, while) | What are for and while loops? How to use these loops in coding? Explain with an example. |
Lecture 7 | Loops (do while) | What do and while loops? How to use these loops in coding? Explain with an example |
Lecture 8 | Game Mechanics in Python | How to develop a game in Python? Explain with the help of developing a car racing game using Variables and Complex Sprite Motions. |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Quiz using Python | Run a quiz on Python. |
Lecture 2 | Introduction to Recommenders | What are Recommenders in Python? Why are they useful? |
Lecture 3 | More About Recommenders | Create a simple recommender system using Python. |
Lecture 4 | Introduction to Chatbot | What is a Chatbot? Create a chatbot and add text to speech feature like Google Assistant/ Talking to Scratch Animation using ML platforms. |
Lecture 5 | Building a Chatbot | How to build and implement a chatbot in a website or an application? |
Lecture 6 | Dance Party (Functions) | What functions are used in the Dance Party Game? Explain with the help of an example or an activity. |
Lecture 7 | App Development at Glance | What is App Development? How to create a simple Music Player app like Spotify or YTMusic. |
Lecture 8 | Buttons | What are Buttons? How to code to create a button? |
Lecture 9 | Labels | What is a Label? Why is it used? How to code to create a label and how to customize it? |
Lecture 10 | Text fields | How to add Text Fields to a webpage? Explain with the help of coding. |
Lecture 11 | Frontend | Make a Calculator on the frontend and implement the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division operation to it |
Lecture 12 | Backend | Develop a website on Backend using Python. |
Lecture 13 | Web Dev at glance | What is Web Development? Create a favourite movie webpage. |
Lecture 14 | Building a Wikipedia Page | How to create a simple Wikipedia Page on web? |
Lecture 15 | Building the Google Search Engine | Create a Google Search Engine homepage using hyperlink, button, and image tags. |
Lecture 16 | Building a Book My Show Page | Create a favourite movie webpage similar to BookmyShow |
Lecture 17 | To do list | Create a simple Instagram Login Page using image, button, label, and text input. |
Lecture 18 | Resume Page Creation | How to code to create a Resume Page on web? |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Education Site Development | Develop an education website |
Lecture 2 | Introduction to CSS | What is CSS? Why is it important? Explain different types of CSS. |
Lecture 3 | JS - Introduction to JavaScript | What is JS? What does it do and what is it used for? |
Lecture 4 | ML and AI at glance | Discuss Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence. Explain Test and Training Model and create a Stone-Paper-Scissor Gane using this model. |
Lecture 5 | ML - text data | What is text data in Machine Learning and how to encode it? |
Lecture 6 | ML - image data | What is image data in Machine Learning and how to label it? Explain how to prepare it using Training Models in ML. |
Lecture 7 | ML - number data | What is number data? How to prepare it for a train and test model in ML? How to add it in an app? |
Lecture 8 | Development of Recommender System | Create a Book My Show Page and add the recommender system to it. |
Lecture 9 | Create Self Driving Cars in Scratch | Design self driving cars using all the concepts that are already covered. |
Lecture 10 | Introduction to NLP - Natural Language Processing | Introduce NLP in detail. Create Sentiment Analyzer on Scratch using the Train and Test Model of Machine Learning. |
Lecture 11 | Advanced Python | Explain Python in detail. |
Lecture 12 | Advanced JS | Explain JS in detail. |
Lecture 13 | Concepts of Dialog flow | What is Dialog flow? How to build a Chatbot with Dialog Flow? |
Lecture 14 | Teachable machine | What is a Teachable Machine? Explain how to teach your computer to recognize your images, sounds, and pos |
Lecture 15 | PTM | Organize a Parent-Teacher meeting to discuss the performance of the student and ask students to present the projects. |
Genius Gems
Beginner: The Walk Phase
For classes 9 to 10
About the course
The walk phase is for beginners. In this, we make your child familiar with the basics of the course. The walk phase is specifically designed as a generic and the foundational level phase to introduce your child to many of the common concepts and the thought behind coding. In the first 8 hours of the course, we mainly focus on improving the basic fundamentals and developing the logical thinking skills of your child.
Curriculum and Activities
Coding at Glance + Variables, Loops, Algorithms About Calculator, Arithmetic Operations,Logic Conditional Statements, Components
Lecture for Beginner: The Walk Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding at Glance and Introduction to Variables | Explain the concept of Coding . What are Variables? |
Lecture 2 | Algorithms & Flowcharts | What are Algorithms? What are the uses of Algorithms? Explain various problem solving techniques. |
Lecture 3 | Sequence | What is Sequence? Explain the role of sequence in coding |
Lecture 4 | Loops | What are Loops? What are the different types of Loops? |
Lecture 5 | Conditional Statements | What are Conditional Statements? Explain different types of Conditional Statements used in coding. |
Lecture 6 | Arrays | What is an Array in coding? |
Lecture 7 | Functions | What is a Function and why do we use it? How many types of functions are there in coding? |
Lecture 8 | More About Functions | How to use Functions in coding? Explain with an example |
Genius Gems
Intermediate: The Jog Phase
For classes 9 to 10
About the course
The jog phase is the intermediate phase of the course that lets your child learn and test the coding skills with exercises. After providing significant knowledge about the basics, we introduce your child to the practical knowledge using all the fundamentals we’ve covered in the Walk phase. In the jog phase, we dedicate 25 hours of the course to make your child learn how to code using the programming language.
Curriculum and Activities
Including Walk Phase App Dev At Glance:Components, Login Page, Label,Quiz Time, Button, About Text & Data, Frontend Basics,Backend Basics, Introduction To Machine Learning, About Face Detection, Innovate Maps,Web Development, Video Sensing, Let's Design, Revise,Game Development
Lecture for Intermediate: The Jog Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding at Glance and Introduction to Variables | Explain the concept of Coding . What are Variables? |
Lecture 2 | Algorithms & Flowcharts | What are Algorithms? What are the uses of Algorithms? Explain various problem solving techniques. |
Lecture 3 | Sequence | What is Sequence? Explain the role of sequence in coding |
Lecture 4 | Loops | What are Loops? What are the different types of Loops? |
Lecture 5 | Conditional Statements | What are Conditional Statements? Explain different types of Conditional Statements used in coding. |
Lecture 6 | Arrays | What is an Array in coding? |
Lecture 7 | Functions | What is a Function and why do we use it? How many types of functions are there in coding? |
Lecture 8 | More About Functions | How to use Functions in coding? Explain with an example |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Quiz Time - Revise It All | Revise all the topics that are already covered. Run a quiz on any fun topic or introduce Variables. Example: SCORE |
Lecture 2 | Bug & Debug | What is Bug and Debug? How are these two different? Explain with the help of examples and activities. |
Lecture 3 | Arithmetic Operations | What are the Operators in Coding? Explain Arithmetic Operations with the help of Multiplication Tables activity. |
Lecture 4 | About Calculator | How to create a Scientific Calculator with coding? Make a calculator with the backend and various arithmetic operations. |
Lecture 5 | Math With Python | Explain all the mathematical functions available in Python and how you can use them in coding? |
Lecture 6 | Encoding and Decoding Numbers | What is Encoding and Decoding of Numbers in programming? Explain with the help of examples. |
Lecture 7 | Attributes | What is an Attribute in coding? Give a few examples of attributes. |
Lecture 8 | Objects | What is an Object in Coding? What are the different types of objects used in Coding and why they are used? |
Lecture 9 | Object-oriented Design | What is Object-Oriented Design? Explain taking a few examples. |
Lecture 10 | Design with HTML | How to create design in HTML? Take a suitable example to explain. Use buttons and other tags while creating a design. |
Lecture 11 | Artist Lab - JavaScript | How to make a map with JavaScript? How to code for adding an image, name, and other details? |
Lecture 12 | Logic and if Statements | Explain various logics and if statements used in coding with the help of examples |
Lecture 13 | Resizing of JavaScript with Variable expressions | Take the different shapes and teach students to resize it by changing the value of variables. |
Lecture 14 | Improving Programming Skills | Improve the programming skills of students by asking them to develop a video sensing game - Catch the Insect. |
Lecture 15 | Game & Graphics | How to develop a game? Design by adding screen, button, sound, an image in background and inside the button. |
Lecture 16 | Animations | What is an Animation? How to create an animation and add image, sound, and text? |
Lecture 15 | Installation of IDE and Introduction to Text-Based Coding | What is IDE and how to install it? What is Text Input, its type and how to consume it? Explain Text-based Coding. |
Genius Gems
Advanced: The Run Phase
For classes 9 to 10
About the course
The run phase is the advanced phase of the course. In this phase, your child will build projects using all the concepts that we’ve covered in the Walk and the Jog Phase. In the 40 hours of run phase, we provide your child with several opportunities to use his/her creativity to showcase his/her coding skills. Besides, we focus on revising all the topics that we’ve taught to your child in the overall course.
Curriculum and Activities
Including Walk Phase And Jog Phase, Training Model, Testing Model,Game Design, Introduction To App, Math Utility, App Development, App Design, Machine Learning,Wikipedia Page, Al & ML, Let's Revise, Coding at Glance, Chatbot, Animation,Game & Graphics. Explore Sprite Lab, Project Time, PTM, Revise It All
Lecture for Advanced: The Run Phase
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Coding at Glance and Introduction to Variables | Explain the concept of Coding . What are Variables? |
Lecture 2 | Algorithms & Flowcharts | What are Algorithms? What are the uses of Algorithms? Explain various problem solving techniques. |
Lecture 3 | Sequence | What is Sequence? Explain the role of sequence in coding |
Lecture 4 | Loops | What are Loops? What are the different types of Loops? |
Lecture 5 | Conditional Statements | What are Conditional Statements? Explain different types of Conditional Statements used in coding. |
Lecture 6 | Arrays | What is an Array in coding? |
Lecture 7 | Functions | What is a Function and why do we use it? How many types of functions are there in coding? |
Lecture 8 | More About Functions | How to use Functions in coding? Explain with an example |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | Quiz Time - Revise It All | Revise all the topics that are already covered. Run a quiz on any fun topic or introduce Variables. Example: SCORE |
Lecture 2 | Bug & Debug | What is Bug and Debug? How are these two different? Explain with the help of examples and activities. |
Lecture 3 | Arithmetic Operations | What are the Operators in Coding? Explain Arithmetic Operations with the help of Multiplication Tables activity. |
Lecture 4 | About Calculator | How to create a Scientific Calculator with coding? Make a calculator with the backend and various arithmetic operations. |
Lecture 5 | Math With Python | Explain all the mathematical functions available in Python and how you can use them in coding? |
Lecture 6 | Encoding and Decoding Numbers | What is Encoding and Decoding of Numbers in programming? Explain with the help of examples. |
Lecture 7 | Attributes | What is an Attribute in coding? Give a few examples of attributes. |
Lecture 8 | Objects | What is an Object in Coding? What are the different types of objects used in Coding and why they are used? |
Lecture 9 | Object-oriented Design | What is Object-Oriented Design? Explain taking a few examples. |
Lecture 10 | Design with HTML | How to create design in HTML? Take a suitable example to explain. Use buttons and other tags while creating a design. |
Lecture 11 | Artist Lab - JavaScript | How to make a map with JavaScript? How to code for adding an image, name, and other details? |
Lecture 12 | Logic and if Statements | Explain various logics and if statements used in coding with the help of examples |
Lecture 13 | Resizing of JavaScript with Variable expressions | Take the different shapes and teach students to resize it by changing the value of variables. |
Lecture 14 | Improving Programming Skills | Improve the programming skills of students by asking them to develop a video sensing game - Catch the Insect. |
Lecture 15 | Game & Graphics | How to develop a game? Design by adding screen, button, sound, an image in background and inside the button. |
Lecture 16 | Animations | What is an Animation? How to create an animation and add image, sound, and text? |
Lecture 15 | Installation of IDE and Introduction to Text-Based Coding | What is IDE and how to install it? What is Text Input, its type and how to consume it? Explain Text-based Coding. |
Lecture No. | Lecture Name | Building Skills |
Lecture 1 | App Development | What is App Development? Develop a Game Application using code. |
Lecture 2 | Components of App Development | What are the various components that are necessary to develop an application? |
Lecture 3 | Frontend & Backend Basics | What is the frontend and backend development? Create the frontend and backend of Whatsapp as much as possible. |
Lecture 4 | Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning | What is Artificial Intelligence ? Briefly explain the concept of Machine Learning. |
Lecture 5 | Introduction To Machine Learning | Explain Machine Learning with examples. Create the Stone-Paper-Scissor game using the Image Training Model |
Lecture 6 | Face Detection | How does Face Detection work? Explain with the help of an activity on Google. |
Lecture 7 | Web Development | What is Web Development? Show different websites to explain in detail. |
Lecture 8 | Login Page | How to code for a Login Page? Explain with an example. Use buttons, labels and text inputs to create a login page. |
Lecture 9 | Buttons & Labels | What are the Buttons and Labels in Coding? How to style and customize the buttons and labels? |
Lecture 10 | Templates | What is Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)? What are the uses of AI and ML |
Lecture 11 | AGoogle Homepage | Teach to create the replica of Google Homepage. Add all the necessary hyperlinks, buttons, and tags such as images. |
Lecture 12 | Innovate Maps | How to code the interactive experiences? |
Lecture 13 | Tribute Page | How to code for the Tribute Page using the HTML? |
Lecture 14 | Survey Page | How to code to create a survey page? |
Lecture 15 | Chatbot | How to develop a Chatbot using the dialog flow in ML Platforms? Explain with the help of practical implementation. |
All the things that will make your child a creator
One on One Live Classes
Student improves Presentation skills as they have to share their screen and talk to the teacher’s in-class 1:1
Weekly competition With Fellow Students
Crafted to make students Self-motivated and collaborative, so they don’t rely on anyone.
Teacher Guidance To Build Projects
Students can Co-ordinate and build projects with the guidance of the teacher.
Research Based Projects
To increase child curiosity and Self-confident through coding because they To increase child curiosity and Self-confident through coding because they can think independently
Activities In 1 Hour Classes & Projects
We are inclined to build time management skills in the child through projects and activities in 1-hour class and projects
Excellent Tutors From Top Universities
Students will be taught by the top university graduates like IITs, NITS and other top professors
Sukanya Bose
Taniya Bajaj
Parna Mehta
Sukanya Bose
Taniya Bajaj
Parna Mehta
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Certify Your Kid With Course Completion
Make Your Kid College Ready
Certificate By The Alumni Of Delhi IIT.
Improves Logical Thinking And Sharpens Problem Solving
Innovative Curriculum Designed To Prepare Your Kid
BOOK A FREE CLASSTogether we take the first steps together your child’s bright future. Register today for a free session and start their journey in coding.
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