6 Ways to Reduce Your Child’s Time On TV/Mobile Phone

In today’s time, the constant connection to the rest of the world is a daily routine. We are so connected that we can barely imagine our lives going the normal way if we disconnect from the network. Everything is synced!
In this tumultuous environment of organized chaos, our young ones find it difficult to take a firm grip over what and how of these networks and devices and often fall prey to its darker sides.
We as parents need to act as their guide and mentor to enhance their capacity to absorb things in a way which will help them make smarter decisions in life. And this constant connection to the world doesn’t turn out to be a source of misery for them.
As mobile technology has invaded every inch of our life our options are limited and our goal should be to use technology to our advantage. We need to provide our kids with the required edge, drawing the strength from the very platform which is ruining their lives with porn; dark web; hacking and malicious traps.
Let us see some way in which we can guide our young ones to spend less time on Mobile and TV and be more present in the real world or help them spend quality time on the internet.
1. The Platform
We need to make it clear to our young ones that internet technology is just a means and not the end. The trap which social media and television have is very subtle and the line dividing it as a means and as an end is very thin and light colored. So we can take a guiding step and help our kids understand the difference. It is also important to make them see that TV and Mobile promotes a life which isn’t always real, so they don’t need to base unrealistic expectations by following people over the internet who are using it just to earn money, instead you can teach them to find those corners of the internet which are actually helpful and motivating.
2. Physical Activity
Most of the kids take the digital route as their main time pass because they have less exposure to fun physical activities or they are not very socially active in school and college life. Counseling kids by making them see for themselves the very nature of their actions might help them understand that they are making the wrong choice by solely depending upon digital tech and not giving ample time to develop their personality in the real world. They will certainly find their passion if they are motivated to try out many new things from time to time.
3. Family Time
No doubt your kid will find an alternative to fulfill his/her need for the genuine attention they require from you. If you are involved in their lives on a daily basis and you make yourself available for important moments of their lives, then no doubt your kids will be able to hit the perfect balance between mobile/tv and the real life.
4. Meditation
This might at first seem a little odd, but a peaceful and stable mind always is a sharp and correct mind. If you can help your kids connect with inner self then there is a great possibility that they will find no need to involve themselves in useless activities over the internet and use it as a productive source. You can use this opportunity to connect with them by learning the art of meditating with them.
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5. Cultural Influence
The modern life is very disassociated, it has enveloped our minds in such a way that we are slowly getting cut off from our cultural roots. Giving your kids an exposure to your own or alien cultures might ignite their intellectual fire and maybe help them in exploring their own selves better. So taking trips to places of cultural and environmental importance in once a while is a must activity.
6. Self Improvement
If you can set an example of constant self-improvement among your children then you can surely get them off the TV and Mobile. Once you convince them their present skill needs constant re-polishing and they also need to learn a new skill in real life to excel, they will automatically spend more time on themselves instead of the mobile. Just be careful to set examples in pace with your kids, no need to rush or force them.
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