Top 5 Exam Preparation Strategies to Boost Your Grades

At CrunchGrade, we not only offer you the best online tutors to help you master the subject matter but also teach you the best exam techniques and study practices to help you maximize your score in exams. Here are five of our most-effective study strategies that can help in improving the academic performance of students of all grades:
Use all the resources judiciously
Most of the time, students are not aware of all the resources available to them that can help in exam preparation. These resources can include books, websites, apps, software, etc. All these resources provide valuable information that can be used to excel in exams.
Some of the resources you need to collect or prepare include:
- Study Material: This can include books, class notes, handouts, etc. Some websites and apps provide an excellent collection of the latest and updated study material. Your school or college library is another great resource.
- Revision Notes: A lot of students prepare detailed revision notes while studying. This helps in revising the concepts before exams and also saves a lot of time.
- Previous Years’ Question Papers: Solving previous years’ question papers is one of the best ways to prepare for exams. It gives you an idea about the exam pattern, types of questions asked and the difficulty level of the exam.
Best revision strategies that work for everyone
There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to revising for exams. However, certain revision strategies can be adopted by everyone to make the most of the time available.
Some of the best revision strategies are:
- Be creative with mnemonics: This is a memory technique that can be used to remember things more easily. Mnemonics are especially helpful when you need to remember a large amount of information in a short period. Some popular types of mnemonics school students love are acronyms, acrostic, peg words, and keyword methods.
- Make mind maps: Mind maps are graphical representations of information that can be used to visually organize concepts and ideas. They are especially useful when you need to revise a large amount of information in a short time.
- Turn study sessions into games: A lot of students find it difficult to focus when they are studying. One of the best ways to overcome this is by turning study sessions into games. One way to gamify learning at home is to use apps like Quizlet and Kahoot!
- Record your notes: Research has shown that students learn better when they listen to audio recordings of their notes. You can use apps like Otter and Rev to record your notes.
- Reflect: After each study session, take some time to reflect on what you have studied. This will help in consolidating the information and also help in identifying gaps in your understanding of the concepts.
- Use flashcards: Flashcards are a great way to revise concepts quickly. You can either prepare them yourself or use apps like Quizlet to get access to millions of ready-made flashcards.
Best strategies to solve a question during a test or exam
Generally, there are two types of questions asked in exams – objective and subjective. Objective questions can be further classified into multiple-choice questions (MCQs), true or false, and fill in the blanks. Subjective questions include short answer questions, long answer questions, and essay-type questions.
The best strategy to solve a question during a test or exam depends on the type of question.
- Multiple-choice questions: In MCQs, there is usually one correct answer and multiple wrong answers. The best way to approach these questions is to first eliminate the obviously wrong answers and then make an educated guess from the remaining choices.
- True or false: For these questions, you need to carefully read the statement and decide if it is true or false. Sometimes, the statements may be partially true or false, in which case you need to mark them accordingly.
- Fill in the blanks: These questions usually have a list of options to choose from. The best way to approach these questions is to first identify the key concepts in the question and then match them with the options given.
- Short answer questions: In these questions, you need to write a short answer based on your understanding of the concept. The best way to approach these questions is to first read the question carefully and identify the key concepts. Then, you need to brainstorm and come up with a relevant answer.
- Long answer questions: These questions are similar to short answer questions, but the answer is expected to be more detailed. The best way to approach these questions is to first read the question carefully and identify the key concepts. Then, you need to brainstorm and come up with a relevant answer. While writing long answers, make sure to be concise and to the point. You should break them up using headings and sub-headings to make them more readable.
- Essay-type questions: These questions are usually open-ended and require you to write a comprehensive essay. The best way to approach these questions is to first brainstorm and come up with a relevant thesis statement. Then, you need to develop the essay by supporting the thesis statement with evidence and examples. You should also logically structure your essay, with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
Exam techniques that yield results
At CrunchGrade, our tutors encourage our students to:
- Think like an examiner: When you answer a question, always think from the examiner’s perspective. What is it that they are looking for? Examiners usually look for clarity, coherence, and depth of knowledge in an answer.
- Answer the question: This may seem like obvious advice, but you would be surprised at how many students do not do this. When you are answering a question, always make sure that you are addressing the question directly. Do not go off on a tangent or provide irrelevant information.
- Pay attention to the command words in the question: The command words in a question tell you what you need to do. For example, the command word ‘analyse’ requires you to break down the concept into its components and examine the relationships between them. Other common command words include ‘compare’, ‘contrast’, ‘explain’, and ‘describe’.
- Be logical: Your answer should always be well-reasoned and supported by evidence. Examiners are usually looking for a logical progression of ideas in an answer.
- Use relevant examples: Examples help to illustrate your points and make them more convincing. Make sure to use relevant examples that are appropriate to the question.
- Manage time well and plan the answer before you start writing: Time management is crucial in exams. Make sure you plan your answer before you start writing and allocate enough time for each question. Do not spend too much time on one question to the detriment of others.
Presentation matters
Always make sure to present your answer in a clear and well-structured manner. Use headings and sub-headings to break up your answer and make it more readable. You should also use clear and concise language throughout your answer.
The above advice is based on the assumption that you have already studied for the exam and are familiar with the concepts. If you are struggling with the material, then you need to focus on your understanding of the concepts first before you start worrying about exam techniques. The best way to improve your understanding is to attend classes, do practice questions, and seek help from a tutor or lecturer.
At CrunchGrade, we offer a range of services to help students prepare for their exams, including online tutoring, mock exams, and question banks. Contact us today to find more!