How to Make Study Notes that Help with Better Retention and Quick Revision

These days, we have several apps that allow us to record lectures and take notes on our laptops or smartphones. But, is this really the best way to take down lecture notes? Studies have shown that students who handwrite their notes tend to remember and comprehend better than those who type them out.
Similarly, while you can highlight text and make quick notes using apps like Evernote, these notes are not always easy to revise. Highlighting takes time and you can quickly get lost in all the different color’s.
Here are a few tips to make study notes that will help you retain information better and make revision quicker and easier.
Best ways to take notes in class
In class, try to write down the main points of the lecture in your own words. This will help you better understand and remember the concepts. If you have trouble understanding a particular concept, don’t hesitate to ask the professor for clarification.
Here are some tips on how to take the best notes in class:
- Write by hand: As we mentioned earlier, writing by hand is proven to help with better retention and comprehension. So, if you can, take notes by hand. Of course, this may not always be possible or practical, especially if you’re trying to take down a lot of information quickly. In that case…
- Use a shorthand: If you’re going to be typing out your notes, use a shorthand. This will help you write faster and also force you to focus on the most important points. There are a number of different shorthand methods out there, so find one that works best for you.
- Make a fair copy of the notes after the class: Once you’ve got your notes down, make a fair copy of them. This means rewriting them in a neater format. This will help you better understand the concepts and also serve as a revision tool later on. You might have missed a few points while taking down the initial notes, so this step will also help fill in any gaps.
- Structure your notes: Good notes are well-structured. This means having a clear heading for each topic, using bullet points, and separating different ideas with white space. These techniques will help you find information quickly when you need to revise.
- Use colours: Colour can be helpful when it comes to revision. Highlighting important points in different colours can help you see the most important information at a glance. Just be careful not to go overboard – too many colours can be confusing and actually make it harder to revise.
- Use symbols and diagrams: Symbols and diagrams are great for representing complex ideas quickly and easily. If you’re struggling to understand a concept, try drawing a diagram or using a symbol to represent it. This will help you visualize the information and make it easier to remember.
Making effective study notes is about more than just writing down everything you hear in lectures. It’s about finding ways to take down information quickly and efficiently, while also making it easy to revise later on. By following these tips, you can make sure your study notes are doing just that.
Best ways to make notes while reading a book or researching a topic from different sources
When you’re reading a book or researching a topic, it’s important to make notes that are easy to understand and can be quickly referred to later on. Unlike taking notes in class, you have more time to think about how you want to structure your notes. As a result, you can be more selective about the information you include.
Here are some tips on how to make the best notes while reading or researching:
- Identify the main ideas: When you’re reading, try to identify the main ideas of each chapter or section. These are the ideas that you’ll want to focus on when making your notes.
- Summarize each point: For each main idea, make a brief summary in your own words. This will help you better understand the concepts and also make revision quicker and easier.
- Use colours, symbols, and diagrams: As we mentioned earlier, colours, symbols, and diagrams can be helpful for quickly representing complex ideas. So, if you come across something difficult to understand or remember, try using one of these techniques.
- Create a mind map: Mind maps are a great way to organize information visually. They can be especially helpful when you’re trying to make sense of a lot of different ideas. To create a mind map, start by drawing a circle in the middle of a page. Then, write the main idea in the centre of the circle. From there, branch out and add related ideas. You can use different color’s, symbols, and diagrams to represent different concepts.
- Use index cards: Index cards can be really helpful for keeping track of different ideas. To use them, simply write one main idea on each card. Then, you can arrange and rearrange the cards until you have a structure that makes sense to you. This is a great way to organize information if you’re not sure how you want to structure your notes yet.
- Always keep a list of references: Whenever you’re using information from a source, make sure to write down the reference so you can easily find it later on. This is especially important when you’re doing research, as you’ll need to be able to quickly find the original source of any information you use.
Making effective notes while reading or researching requires a different approach than taking notes in class. When you’re reading, you have more time to think about what information is most important and how you want to organize it. By following these tips, you can make sure your notes are effective and helpful.
Best ways to prepare revision notes
Revision notes must be organized in a way that allows you to quickly find and understand the information you need. Here are some tips on how to prepare effective revision notes:
- Use colour coding: Colour coding is a great way to organize your revision notes. You can use different colours to represent different topics, concepts, or ideas. This will make it easy to quickly find the information you’re looking for.
- Prepare formula sheets for subjects like Maths and Science: In subjects like Maths and Science, there are often a lot of formulas to remember. To make revision easier, prepare formula sheets with all the important formulas clearly listed. This will save you a lot of time during revision.
- Make use of mind maps: As discussed above, mind maps are a great way to visually organize information. They can be especially helpful when you’re trying to revise a lot of different concepts at once.
- Create a revision plan: Many studies prove that to retain a new piece of information, revise it after a day, then a week, then a month, and then a year. So, make a revision plan that includes when you’re going to revise each topic. This will help you space out your revision and make sure you don’t forget anything.
- Use mnemonic devices: Mnemonic devices are techniques that help you remember information more easily. You can make songs or funny sentences to remember the important points about a topic. This will make revision more enjoyable and effective.
Making effective revision notes requires careful planning and organization. The process might be time-taking and tedious but a little creativity can go a long way in making the process more efficient. By following these tips, you can make sure your revision notes are helpful and effective during exam preparation.
Some other things to keep in mind while making notes
- Keep it simple: When you’re making notes, always remember to keep it simple. Don’t try to write down everything you hear or read. Just focus on the most important points.
- Be concise: It’s also important to be concise when you’re taking notes. This doesn’t mean you should leave out important information. It just means you should be clear and to the point.
- Edit later: Don’t worry about editing your notes while you’re taking them. Just focus on getting the information down. You can always go back and edit your notes later.
- Personalize your notes: Make sure your notes make sense to you. This means using abbreviations, symbols, and other shortcuts that make sense to you.
- Use different colours: Decide on a scheme of colours before you start taking notes. This will help you quickly identify different types of information. For example, you could use blue for quotes, green for ideas, and red for important points.
Making effective notes is an important skill that can help you in your studies. By following these tips, you can make sure your notes are clear, concise, and helpful.
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